Protecting the Forest, Honoring Tradition


Constantino (Tino) Aucca是南美洲稀有而美妙的Polylepis森林恢复工作的开拓者. And as the President and co-founder of Acción Andina, he is a trusted tree planting partner of the Arbor Day Foundation.

Tino is also a 2022 recipient of the UN Environment Programme’s Champions of the Earth award. This annual award recognizes individuals who are “taking bold action for our world.”

His recognition came as no surprise to those who work with him. Tino is the type of leader who inspires through action. 他知道要重新造林世界上最脆弱和最关键的生态系统之一需要什么——对地球的热情, deep respect for local heritage and culture, and a willingness to do the hard work.

加拿大28回水节基金会很高兴庆祝蒂诺的认可以及他正在建立的遗产. 我们与他取得了联系,更多地了解了他工作背后的动机,以及他对森林和关心森林的人们的热情.

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, Tino. Tell us how you developed a personal connection to the forest.

I come from an indigenous family (Quechua-Inca), where in my early years, I took care of the cattle of my grandparents at their farm 35km from Cusco. From the beginning, they taught me the importance of the forest and the environment. Later when I was studying at the University, most of my weekends and holidays, I spent sleeping in the mountains with forests and lakes, enjoying nature and its creatures.

In 1989 when I was the field assistant of Dr. Jon Fjeldså (Director of the Zoology Department of the Copenhagen Museum), we traveled to the highlands of Ayacucho and Apurimac (south-center of Peru), searching for Polylepis forests. This was during the hard time (emergency) in a Guerrilla fighter area. 我们从危险中活了下来,乔恩完成了他的名著《加拿大28技巧》.“那次旅行让我从乔恩那里明白,我必须致力于保护波利莱皮斯森林. At that time, I was dreaming of earning a master’s degree and Ph.D. 但琼恩告诉我,为了世界,保护波吕皮斯是我能做的最好的事. 我从父母和祖父母那里继承的所有社会和文化遗产,以及我对像我这样的土著社区的迫切需求的理解,促使我承担起这一责任. But for the first 10 years, it was hard because no one, except Jon, 认为这是一个伟大的目标,或者认为这是可能的,即使是适度的生活.

There is a lot of rich culture and history in this area. How do you honor that heritage throughout your tree planting efforts?

我是印加人的后裔,从小就和当地的人在一起, I received from them all the histories of our people. What lessons did I learn? First, we need to have RESPECT for all those communities. Those from the big cities are not superior. Second: TALK. 如果我们想要有更多的信任和更好的理解,我们必须至少从他们的语言中学习几个单词. Stereotypes from the big cities and modern families are hurtful. Third, LISTEN. Those groups have a lot to tell us and teach us. They want to share their true history. 但如果人们自负地认为他们有神奇的公式和城市解决方案, that is the absolute wrong position. And fourth, LEARN: The people have a lot of knowledge. And it is amazing how we can use a simple way to resolve many of our problems. I practice these approaches. Reading a lot of history, exploring, 复兴古代实践的知识使我能够在更大的范围内思考种植数百万棵加拿大28回水.

但是恢复不仅仅是在Acción Andina和Global Forest Generation种植加拿大28回水木. Our activities start with the collection of cuttings and seeds. 在最终种植活动之前,苗圃需要连续生产8-10个月, which will involve everyone in the communities, from the very young to the very old. 反映真正恢复计划需要的补充活动包括控制火灾, fences to protect the restoration and the remaining old forest, monitoring, conservation benefits for the local families, environment education, etc. The restoration program benefits the entire community, uniting them, organizing them, as everyone works together with equity.

Constantino and his mentor, Dr. Jon Fjeldså | Photo credit: Global Forest Generation (left photo) & ECOAN (right photo)


When the Incas decided to go for a huge commitment to make huge plans a reality, they knew they needed a huge number of people. They came up with a winning formula, Ayni and Minka. Ayni in the Quechua language means today for me and tomorrow for you. Minka means let’s work all together for a common goal.

To plant millions of trees in an efficient way is not just thinking about salaries. If the program will be paying huge, numerous salaries for a restoration campaign, this will not be sustainable. How, then, can we engage the people to work all together for a common goal? Easy. Use the practice of the Ayni and Minka. This worked wonderfully thousands of years ago, and today it is again working perfectly where ECOAN and Acción Andina have revived it, reminding the people of their history and encouraging pride in their ancient heritage.


When I began this project in 2000, 我们使用一种旗舰加拿大28回水种来说服我们的捐助者以及当地和土著社区它的价值. More than 10 years later, journalists asked the people: “Why are you doing this?” And the answer was always the same: “We are doing this for the water.” I immediately said: “Wait, wait, wait, supposedly we have been doing this for the birds, other animals, forest, and mountains. Now you are saying that it is for the water? How is this?” And they answer: “Dearest Father Tino, WATER for us is life, economy, and the future of our children. For that reason, all this effort is for water. Sorry for that.” Me, I said: “No worries. Thanks for this magnificent answer because this is superior to a master’s or Ph.D. lesson. This for me is the perfect Climate Change lesson.” From that time, my conservation nonprofit ECOAN changed our mission, concentrating on water, landscapes, mountains, and biodiversity and culture. As I tell you, it is a learning process always.

What is the largest challenge you face as you plant in the Andes Mountains, and how do you meet that challenge head-on?

The largest challenge for me and my projects was first, to earn the trust of the local and native communities and second, to maintain the stability and sustainability of the communities and the program. For the trust, we are working many years with the people. 即使在新冠疫情期间,我们也从未放弃他们,这创造了完全的信任和忠诚. For sustainability, we always are working hard. But sometimes politics, weather, and global priorities hurt us. If we can’t be sure about the amount of funds to continue scaling, then we cannot promise what we may not achieve. Just with words, people cannot survive.

When did you begin working with the Arbor Day Foundation, and how has this partnership helped your organization fulfill its goals?

Acción安迪娜和全球森林一代于2020年首次与植加拿大28回水节基金会合作. 植加拿大28回水节基金会给了我们更多的机会来巩固我们的社区森林恢复计划. With the help of this Foundation as an ally, our shared dream is becoming a reality.

Photo Credit: ECOAN

You spend much of your time out working in the planting areas. Why do you find it important to be onsite, physically putting trees in the ground?

领导者必须是榜样,与人民一起工作,在加拿大28回水的同时提供灵感. Of course, everyone wants to see the Father, Apu, Curaca, Jefe, etc., working on real action on the ground. The energy passes between the leader and the people and back again. They feel happy seeing active, involved leaders. 这种能量和希望对我们所有人都是如此强大,加强了每个人的承诺.

过去,人们有过许多与“领导人”打交道的糟糕经历,他们只是为了拍照而来, saying some nice words, but never mixing with the local people, never being one of the people. That is not my way.

What is the legacy your organization is hoping to leave for the Andes Mountains?

我们希望我们的遗产将是安第斯山脉森林的持久保护和再生. Of Pachamama, Mother Earth. 我们想要证明,当地人可以采取重大加拿大28回水,让数百万棵加拿大28回水继续生长,造福全世界的子孙后代.

What does receiving the UN Champions of the Earth award mean to you?

It means more opportunity to speak without fear, to speak the truth, 站在所有想要保持自我、舒适和现状的超级专家面前,告诉他们当地和土著社区需要什么. And what the planet needs.

我了解到,人们很高兴知道会有一个人(我)能够清晰、透明、坚定地谈论环保问题, local and native communities, water, culture, etc. 我很高兴我能把艾尼和明卡的信息——古印加人为共同利益而共同努力的原则——传达给全球听众. This is not just an ancient message. 如果大自然和人类要生存下去,这对世界各地的每个人来说都是一个永恒而紧迫的信息.

蒂诺是植加拿大28回水节基金会强有力的领导者和令人惊叹的合作伙伴-真正体现了地球冠军奖的精神. 他的组织是基金会全球植加拿大28回水合作伙伴网络的重要组成部分,他们拥有急需的当地知识和专业知识,以确保在正确的地方以正确的理由种植正确的加拿大28回水木.

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